Guten Morgen! Wer von euch auch zufälligerweise heute später das gemütliche Bett verlassen muss als sonst, der nehme sich doch bitte sein Frühstück, seine Tasse Kaffe und schlüpfe in die gemütlichen Hausschuhe, um sich ein paar meiner Morgengedanken zuzumuten, die sich in den letzten zwei Wochen in meinem Kopf eingenistet haben. Keine Sorge! Hier ist "Schlechte Laune"-Freie Zone (wenn ich schlecht gelaunt bin, meide ich den Laptop wie eine Katze das Wasser). Stattdessen soll es um neue Motivation gehen und um die Kleinen Dinge.
Ersteinmal: Voila! Normalerweise liegt mir der Spruch "But first... Coffee" jeden Morgen auf den Lippen noch bevor ich auf mein Handy schaue, doch damit soll Schluss sein - auch ich bin regelrecht der Kaffeesucht verfallen. Hoffen wir, dass ich durchhalte und dem bald nicht mehr so ist. Ansonsten sehen wir hier das langweilige "Geht-Immer-Frühstück": Haferbrei aus einfachen Haferflocken mit Alnatura Soja Milch, einem geschnittenen Apfel und einer Monsterportion Zimt. Übrigens mag ich die "Glamour" noch nicht mal - erst gemerkt als das Bild geschossen war & ich darin gestöbert habe.

Sieht ziemlich gesund aus, aber seien wir mal ehrlich: Mein Start in 2015 war nicht grade der Knaller. Nachdem ich ab Mitte Oktober angefangen hatte vollkommen gesund und ausgewogen zu essen, weiterhin viel Sport gemacht habe und mich so unglaublich gut wie nie gefühlt habe, ist schließlich alles am 1.Januar gescheitert. Zuversichtlich bin ich, ab heute die Kurve zu kriegen, weil ich genau weiß, dass es nur die ersten drei Tage Überwindung kostet. Viele von euch kennen es bestimmt, aber es ist tatsächlich so: Man muss nur anfangen. Das reicht. Danach läuft alles wie von selbst.
In letzter Zeit bin ich ziemlich mit Gedanken über das Gehenlassen und Festhalten beschäftigt: Soll man gute Freundschaften aufgeben, weil sie einen mittlerweile unglücklich machen? Ich habe das Gefühl ja, auch wenn mir da sicher viele widersprechen würden. Stattdessen versuche ich mich einfach an neuen Dingen; heißt: neue Leute, neuen Sport, neue Routinen. Ob es das Wundermittel zum Entkommen der Winterdepression ist, kann ich euch nicht sagen, aber ein Versuch ist es wert, oder nicht?

Auf meinem derzeitigen Traumplan der "Kleinen Dinge" stehen Sachen wie *mal wieder Sushi bestellen *eine weitere Kunstaustellung besuchen *weiterhin ganz viel Schwanenseemusik hören (was ich at momentum auch tue) *mich am Langstreckenlauf zu probieren *mein Zimmer ein bisschen umzudekorieren *bloggen was das Zeug hält. Kleine Dinge, die sich einfach umsetzen lassen, was schließlich auch Sinn der Sache ist - TROTZ Facharbeitsstress, Führerschein und der näherrückenden Klausurphase.
Genug gefaselt - ich muss los & wünsche euch einen wunderschönen Mittwoch!

Geht es euch in einigen Dingen momentan genau so? Welche "Kleinen Dinge" plant ihr so für die nächste Zeit? 


Der Februar ist mitten im Geschäft, der Januar also schon Schnee von gestern, was in der Blogger/Vloggerwelt immer nur eines bedeutet: Favoritenalarm! Ich gestehe: Es ist ein Klischee, es ist unglaublich einfallslos und Mainstream aber genauso ist es auch logisch und spannend zu lesen. Mein Januar kommt unglpcklicherweise nicht in mein Marmeladenglas der schönen Erinnerungen - er war geplagt von Tonnen schlechter Laune und Enttäuschung. Nun hoffe ich aber das diese Phase nur kurzlebig ist und ich mit einem Haufen neuer Lektionen das Jahr ein zweites Mal beginnen kann.

Sicher ist, dass ich die letzten Wochen vermehrt dazu genutzt habe Herumzuphilosophieren und zu Meckern, weniger also um zu Konsumieren und mein Geld für unnötigen Kram auszugeben. Dennoch hat es unter anderem die Kirsten Light Wash Destroyed Jeans in meinen Kleiderschrank geschafft und wird seitdem eifrig getragen. An den Hosenbeinen hat sie kleine Reißverschlüsse, was ein Detail ist, was mich immer kriegt. Treuer Begleiter war auch meine wunderwunderwunderschöne Olivia Burton Uhr und ein kleines passendes Armband einer No-Name-Marke - eine der besten Weihnachtsgeschenke meines Lebens! Zuletzt habe ich auch ein paar Schuhe heiß - aber platonisch - geliebt, denn diese Cut-Out-Boots von Deichmann sind nicht für diese Temperaturen gedacht.

Wer meinen Buchblog liest, könnte vielleicht von meiner Begeisterung für "Auge um Auge" von dem Autorenduett Jenny Han und Siobhan Vivan gehört haben. Ein meiner Meinung nach sehr lebensnahes und besonderes Buch über Rache und die Art, wie wir Mädchen wirklich denken. Andererseits bestimmt nicht für jeden was!
Zum Abschluss ein Song passend zu dem Winterblues, aus dem ich mich momentan rauszuhieven versuche.

Was habt ihr im Januar lieben gelernt? Wie war euer Start ins Jahr 2015? 
xxx, Ana


WON'T MISS... the exams! I have one month break now and will hopefully spend it in a fun way.

INSPIRED... by some art at the Folkwang Museum in Essen. I visited it with my mum, and as the advertisment of the exhibition says "van Gogh, Monet and Cauvagh" I didn't expect it to be really awesome for me, because I never was a fan of these artists. Fortunatelly I got suprised in a pretty great way! Even if the exhibits of van Gogh still couldn't touch me, I am really impressed by Monets giant paintings of water lilies. These paintings look so harmonic and beautiful I promised myself to have a similar painting in my own flat. Other atrists I discovered there are Alfred Stevens, Felice Beato and Courbet. The topic was Japanese Inspiration, by the way. :D

ENJOYED... some quality time with one of my best friends I lost sight of the last stressful months. We used to be really close and now I am really glad that we met again and make plans for the next weeks, too.
IN LOVE WITH... my striped blouse from Pimkie. I was always into stripes, but blouses didn't quite stick to my sporty style. That changed with this spontaneous buy my mom and sister motivated me to. Best fashion decision in a long time. 

LISTENED TO... Amy Winehouse again (as every week) ... and to this beautiful track from Tove Lo.

PLANNED... enjoying the real life with less stress than usual. I have to stop feeling responsible for other persons' situations and stop trying give help to people that don't appreciate it. That's something I have to remind myself and work on. Hopefully the next weeks are filled with quality time, some fitness and healthy decisions. 

Wish you all a nice start into the new week. Hope you'll discover some new inspiring things.
xxx, Ana

My Curly Hair Routine

 After I wrote the post about how to love your curly hair in only four steps, I wanted to give you some inspiration about how to style it. I am not an expert in any way and still experimenting with my hair. The following routine helps me bring the best out of my natural curly hair. 

  1. I Wash my hair with a common cheap but moisturizing shampoo and use a (really) huge amount of conditioner. Then I leave it on for about 2 minutes and wash it of carefully.
  2. After leaving it some minutes in the towel, I brush gently through my wet hair.
  3. I take a lot of hair oil in my hands and rub it in my fingers so it warms up a little bit before I work it gently in my lengths.
  4. Now it's time for the actual styling! I use only ONE product, because I do no want to put to much weight on my hair. I like it big and curly so I take a mousse, a gel or sometimes a styling spray, throw my hair over my head and scrunch the product carefully in my hair. This takes some time but afterwards it is totally worth it.
  5. I let it air dry for half an hour and then put it up in a ponytail (this method gives me etra volume). After an hour it is usually dry, so that I go to bed and sleep.
  6. The next day I take my hair out of the ponytail and detangle it with my fingers. Than I take a coconut styling wax and scrunch this also in my hair for more last minute definition. 
And that's it!

How is your curly hair routine? Which products would you recommend?

Easy Steps To A Healthy Long-Life Relationship with Your Curls

There are a lot of girls that hate their curls and even admit to suffer by them, because they either have to straighten them after every wash or feel uncomfortable in public. If you have this problem, your only chance of loving yourself as you are is being okay and feeling pretty with your curls. There is only a relatively small amount of girls with big curly hair and you are one of them. So show them off because it makes you special. Also think of all the girls that would kill for your volume and texture.
There is no standard rule for styling the prettiest curls. Every hair structure is different and so you need products and tricks for your hair structure. Do not give up if a blogger's hair routine does not want to work for you - keep searching for the methods that will do.
The path is not easy, but there is always hope if you put some effort in it and try different products, routines and methods out. Get to know you hair from roots to lenghts - it will be totally worth it, I promise. Here is some advice on the go:
  • -Moisture is the path to go: Curly hair is usually dry, so use an hair oil, oil masks and a conditioner to make it look all healthy and shiny.
  • Definition: Maybe a good styling cream or mousse is your holy grail for transforming the mop into a voluminous piece of art of defined soft curls.
  • Upgrade your hair-dryer: The common use of a hair-dryer is THE killer for every hairstyle. So make sure you use a diffuser attachment

You see... it's as simple as that. Follow these four steps and you will be confident about your hair. Maybe not everyday, but nobody's loving herself every single day. I also prepared another post about curly hair in which I'll show you my personal hair routine and some products I love using. 
Happy Wednesday xxx, 


I'm usually not a huge movie watcher - mostly I just grab a book or a tv-series when I want to calm down and spend the day at home. Nevertheless the last days I spotted some really interesting looking trailers of movies that will come to cinemas in 2015. As it is already nearly Christmas these movies are knocking on our doors, too.
As I love watching girly movies I absolutely can't wait for "The Duff" and "Pitch Perfect 2". Both trailers are amazing, funny and girly - that are features I seek for in movies. Also Cinderella catched my eye, due to my admiration towards fairytales and the fact that Richard Madden (who also is a part of the Game Of Thrones Cast) plays the Prince. I really love this actor! Last but not least I want to watch "The Age of Adaline" with Blake Lively. It seems like a story with a really deep-going message about immortality. Besides I'd love to see Blake Lively performing in a different role than she did in Gossip Girl.

Which movies do you want to see in 2015?

I wish you a merry merry Christmas and a wonderful time with your family and friends!
xx Ana  

My ingredients for the perfect morning

The first step to have a great day is to start it great. Some time ago I discovered the importance of morning time's quality. Since then I went through a lot of routines and tried different advice out. Now I think that I have found the routine that suits me best and makes my morning even enjoyable. 

Have your bag packed and your outfit planned
It's true that the best organization in the morning begins the day before. Have your bag packed so that you have one thing less to do and avoid the possibility of forgetting something really important. Besides it takes away a lot of stress and that is something we all appreciate, right?

Turn on your current favourite playlist or the radio
When my alarm rings, I feel like cancel all my appointments and stay in bed, but that is not possible and after some minutes the weariness is usually gone. The Miracle cure against the tiredness is music, especially music that always makes you feel full of power and motivation. If you don't have a playlist right now, the radio does its job very well, too.

Go first for skincare and teeth brushing
After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I always feel a lot more energetic and ready for the day. So don't put it at the end of your routine, cause it will make you much faster and your morning happier. 
For skincare I would recommend to keep it simple in the morning. You do not wear any make up when waking up, so a light washing gel (or even only cold water) and a moisturizing day cream are enough. Keep in mind that less is more!

Plan at least 15 minutes for some breakfast (and a coffee)
The breakfast and a big cup of coffee (or sometimes tea) is my higlight in the morning and can really make my day. I don't plan my breakfast the day before, I just grab food I feel like at the moment. But most of the days it is vanilla porridge, a joghurt with some fruits, apple-pancakes or just a honey-peanut-butter toast.

Check the news (if it's the newspaper, instagram or your mails)
To be up to date is really essencial to me: So I check facebook for birthdays, instagram for entertainment and my mails for important information. Sometimes I even have the time to watch a youtube-video, which also is really calming before school or work.

Make an overview about your day
Shortly before I leave the house I write a to do list. I always try to keep it short, so that I still have time for myself but I make sure that I do little things that will make some other days less packed. Lists are my life savers  to take control over my week. Maybe this is a good piece advice for the messy ones out there.

What are your ingredients for the perfect morning? Which steps are essential in your morning routine?